Monday, June 21, 2010

Mamma Mia??

I am proud to say that I have successfully avoided seeing this movie/musical up to an hour ago. I just thought that I would mention to you all up front that I despise musicals and despise ABBA even more. That said, I knew that watching this movie would definitely give me nightmares.

I saw a few portions of the movie and from what I saw, the daughter is getting married, and for some reason goes through her mom's diary (always a bad idea when they are alive) and finds out her mom is an easy lay, and doesn't use protection. To add insult to injury the mom doesn't even know who the biological father is and narrowed it down to 3 guys. What kind of fucked up, irresponsible shit is that? Which leads me to my next question: If you claim you only banged 3 guys in a short period, you probably could have fucked more. Did she turn into a slut overnight or was this an ongoing lifestyle?  Meanwhile, I don't sorry for the other guys that got slopping 2nds, or 3rds for that matter.   There is lots of virgin poontang around and you don't have to take a number.  Meanwhile everyone is singing along. I was irked because of those potential dads is James Bond himself. Mr. Bond has never been in a predicament like this and really could have used "Q" to help him out.  I was amazed that we never find out who the biological dad is...   If you must see it, charge up your iPod and get it ready!

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