Tuesday, June 1, 2010

What's up with Danica Patrick?

I just started noticing that Danica has been in the news for a new reason.  She is getting booed.  I was blown away, until I saw her with sunglasses on blaming the car and her team for the lack of performance.  I would make a bet that she was crying under those sunglasses.  I am still amazed that she is/was that popular still.  For someone that had won ONE race and with 6 seasons under her belt 2005-2010, she averaged 8th place.  This year she will be 12th place.  So what makes this girl so popular?  Hmmmmmm, perhaps because she is 28 years old and a girl?  Um, no.  She is just another pretty face.  Anna Kournikova wasn't popular because of her talent.  There were many other people that were better than her men and women.  Why did she get all these endorsements?  She is just another pretty face.  Its pretty cool to be able to milk it because of how you look.  Unfortunately when Maria Sharapova came into the picture that shows that she can look good and be a winner, we saw less of Anna Kournikova in ads.  In this case, there have been very few girls in the racing category and they were all ugly.  I thought that Danica would be popular until her "Maria" comes around, but I guess people are getting tired of her pretty face with sub-par results, and lately putting down her crew.  Apparently she is in process of going to NASCAR?  Good luck with that. 

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