Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Traffic on the 210 Freeway!

So I was on the way to work and it was raining and we had some major traffic.  I suspected that there was an accident and I saw this.

Check out the semi on the right.  Sorry for the windshield wiper.


Freaky Electronic Fry's

I was shopping for hard drives at Fry's and I saw something that was absurd.  Actually it was the lack of something that blew my mind.

There were very few hard drives at Fry's!  This was due to the flooding in Thailand a couple of months ago.  From what I understand, we should have some hard drives back in a couple of months.  Trust me, the locals in Thailand had it waaay harder than us.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Prostitution in Pasadena?

I saw this sign in Pasadena.  What do you suppose they mean?