Yesterday morning, we went to the gym and on the way back, I noted the Greekfest at the Santa Anita (Race) Park. No, there were no race cars, they actually race horses. The fact that they use the word "park" and do not mention anything about horses makes it a bit confusing. So back to the event, I had a very pleasant luch. It probably defeated the purpose of going to the gym, but the food was pretty tasty and the prices were cheap compared to other festivals. I have noted that lots of other festivals are becoming "cash intensive". In other words, NOT cheap! I suppose this is the result of poor management and the inability of keeping overhead down, consequently you get ripped off for a non-profit organization. Kind of ironic to get gouged by someone not trying to make a profit. Reminds me of those kids that stand outside of supermarkets trying to get you to buy $4 candybars. It is cheaper just to give them a couple of dollars and tell them not to do drugs. At this Greekfest, I was amazed how cheap things were. Parking was $4; more expensive than tickets to get in ($3). Food was $5 for a tasty Gyro, and plates were $10. Beers were $5. I left this place full and got a decent value.

This guy is making Greek "donuts"
Ready to Eat!
Lots of lambs "took it for the team" here!