So last week we had some epic rain here in sunny Los Angeles. Shit like this doesn't happen for years and last week was terrible. We had these 2 torrents and I had the biggest leaks I have ever seen in one of my units. I swear to you it seemed like there was a hole in the roof and a waterfall was coming inside.
Actually the entire week was horrible. My car's power steering decided to take a vacation on Friday in the middle of the workday. Meanwhile, I salvaged what work I could accomplish and get home. I was actually pretty proud of myself for going to the gym and being strong enough to steer the car. That itself was a small feat. After I got home and decided to play some GTA and kill some people and was welcomed by this.

I have only read and heard about the legendary Red Ring of Death and what do you know Friday comes and I want to kill some people and this shit happens. So no more GTA? I just don't know at this time. I actually purchased GTA IV when the game came out April 29, 2008 at midnight. Actually, I was in line for the game and purchased it without the console because I wanted to make sure I get my copy. The next day (actually it was the same day just later on) I purchased my Xbox360. I had the computer version of GTA San Andreas on my desktop and that game was incredibly compelling. That game initially came out in October 2004 for consoles but they eventually released it for PC 9 months later! By then most people played and beaten the game, but that was ok because I was able to make changes to the game! I posted cool pictures of the things I changed.

So here is my copy of GTA V. So far the most compelling game I have ever played. I purchased it when on release date of September 17 2013. I didn't stand in line at night like I did with GTA IV, but I did go to the crappy Best Buy when they opened @ 10 am. Funny, I saw all kinds of people buying the game, old and young. I was driving today and the song came on that was on the video game and thought to myself of the last consumer product I have wanted to this degree that I could afford that gave me immense satisfaction like this. My car or my house is the only thing that came into my mind. You know, I have to make a point to say that Rockstar, the people that make these games, truly mastered the art of making video games. You see lots of other companies that are under pressure to crank out half baked products and piss off hoards of loyal fans. Software companies that I have grown up playing their video games are now hated. When I mean hated, they rank up there as the most hated corporations because of the shit they try to pull. Electronic Arts is one of the worst offenders pissing people off like corporations that steal and destroy the environment. Anyways, I digress. What I was getting at was that I think that people should pay more attention to what these guys are doing: making a superior products and people will buy it. Simple eh?

You get this letter from your therapist when you beat the game. This was at 2:12am...December 12th. I didn't play it consistently but I would play a couple of times a week. Here are some pictures of the gameplay
What you are looking at is a fully customized Suburban, but in the background you will see Myagis! I must have paid their rent several times from the sheer amount of money I have spent at this venue partying with my people. The place is actually at 8225 W Sunset and closed in 2011. Now it is a Pink Taco. Jeez. At least I can see it forever in GTA V!!!
They have the Interstate 4, not 5 but 4. I can't tell you how many months of my lifetime being on the goddam 5 Freeway.
What you are looking at here is one of the 3 main characters, Michael, and that is his fighter jet (which is stolen) parked in his aircraft hanger which was paid for. I must have died 20 times to get that jet. It does kick ass!!
You can buy properties, cars (or steal cars), airplanes (or steal them), and tanks as well.
This is Michael's garage with his amazing collection of autos. Note the Bugatti Veyron in the back.
Here is some original artwork from GTA V. Looks like the parking garage for the Santa Monica Place parking garage.