Obviously it is in the Chelsea part of Manhattan. Actually that area is kind of tiny.
So as I said, there is a food mall on the floor level. Food court is not the term for this place.
They have a seafood market.
I was impressed that they had razor clams. I have been hard to to try these little guys for quite some time already.
I thought these shelles looked pretty.
So later on I started getting hungry. They have a "Lunch Box" special there.
That nice box was $20. Here is what you get.
That would be natural root beer, Cape Cod kettle cooked chips, a Lobster roll, and coleslaw. Normally you get an oatmeal and raisin cookie, but raisins are my Kryptonite. Me and raisins don't get along. So they gave me coleslaw.
And here would be the Lobster roll. It is all lobster. No shrimps or other stuff.
Good stuff; not too mayo-y. It was just heaven eating this guy. This was totally worth $20.
Since it was Halloween, they had to decorate.
Frankenstein is clearly trying to escape.

Water leak...