Thursday, April 11, 2013

April Stuff!

This Easter I thought we should change things up and get a whole pig.  I have always been fascinated with eating a roasted pig.  I am not sure what exactly about it that appeals to me the most but I do have a list of things that I love about it.  I like the entirety of it. You get the whole darn thing.  Amazing.  There is something primal about it too.  You definitely feel more indigenous eating it this way.  Another aspect is that whenever you go to a restaurant, you always only choose ONE cut of meat at any given time.  This is THE way to have every cut of the pig.  How profound. 
Say "Hello!" to Wilbur.  This was our 25 pound, invited guest for Easter.  I am very grateful that he "took it for the team" for us.  He was very popular at the Easter event.  Unfortunately some of the younger kids were kind intimidated by seeing the head but it is OK.  I believe that people should be more familiar where their food comes from.  This style was prepared Cuban style.  They have this mojo sauce which is mostly garlic.  I highly recommend it for any occasion.  Wilbur was not cheap either: coming in at $230 "out the door". And speaking of out the door, that didn't include delivery, so you literally have to get a couple of people to take it out the door into your car.
Next up is Shirin Polo rice.  At authentic Persian/Iranian places they offer "Orange Peel Rice".  I just learned about it and was kind of impressed.  I was aware of cherry rice and a couple of other ones but have never seen of the orange peel one.  This style is a bit sweet and there are actual chunks of orange peel, almonds and pistachios! 
Very unexpected!  So I recommend giving this a try any time you see it.